Hospitality Consultant Services

On-site & remote consulting, recipe development, hiring, kitchen design, and equipment sourcing are just some of the skills we have to assist you with your vision. It’s our pleasure to help figure out what works best for your food business. This task is not easy, even for seasoned veterans of the hospitality world, but rest assured, we have the skills to take your business to the next level.

Please see below for the many ways we can support you.

  • Maintaining a high standard is difficult, especially when creating recipes for high-quality products and food items. Creating unique recipes for stand-out products and menus is our bread and butter! Our chef has experience working in some of the country’s best restaurants and has created many products ranging from specific menu items for restaurants or large wholesale distributors making bottled sauces, chocolate, snack foods, etc. We can build your entire menu or focus on one trouble area, whatever suits your needs.

  • There’s no better way to make sure you create the highest quality food program possible than to have us on site. Whether you are first starting up or if you have been in business for some time, we’re here for you! We will be there for setup, product development & testing, troubleshooting, training, and support. We’re also available for remote digital consulting through Zoom or Google Meetings for a quick recipe or staffing questions.

  • Breaking down your production schedule and managing your employee’s time is essential for maximizing profitability. Let us take the burden off you and assess your current capacity needs to see if there’s a more beneficial prep schedule.

  • Are you having trouble sourcing particular ingredients? Do you constantly have to *86 items from the menu? We can help organize your kitchen by creating relationships with new and old vendors to maximize your time spent doing what makes you money and not wasting time arguing about who was supposed to order the broccoli. Consequently, you might also be generating too much waste and throwing your profits in the dumpster. Let us access your operation to see if you’re overseeing any opportunity to become more profitable.

  • Choosing the right equipment is one of the most crucial steps in creating a successful food business. You need to make sure you get equipment with the right capacity, the right features, and the right dimensions for your space. We can help you pick out everything from the stoves to the silverware. Our equipment partners are the best in the business and our customers have all been satisfied.

  • Are you spread too thin with daily production? Are you too busy to allocate the proper amount of time to train new or existing employees? We can develop training manuals based on your specific needs or be there as a hands-on approach to make your life and business more streamlined. Don’t compromise your product because you hoped things would just work themselves out.

  • Are you concerned your business isn’t headed in the right direction? Potentially a bad hire was made and you need to turn the ship around? Whether you’re in the eye of the storm or just getting out in front of a potential disaster, we’re here to help you figure out the next move. Aye, Aye, Captain!

Private Chef Services

Whether you’re planning a special event, having a few guests for a small dinner party, need exciting & tasty meal prep for a specific diet, or just help grocery shopping, we have the service for you. Chef Brandon can create any type of meal you can imagine. He’s well-versed in all cooking styles and can make custom menus for you to review. He also does in-home dining for families looking for home-cooked meals multiple times a week. Email or call to book your event dates or to talk about your specific needs or questions you might have. 

  • Do you need a chef to help you cater a holiday or birthday party? Are any special gatherings planned for the family? Chef Brandon has experience catering special events and making guests feel like they’re a part of a very special experience.

  • Chef Brandon specializes in small & intimate dinner parties for all occasions. He will work with you to create a bespoke menu that satisfies the host’s every desire.

  • Chef Brandon has experience developing weekly menus for a wide variety of clients and eating styles. Get custom, delicious, and nutritionally specific meals delivered to your refrigerator every week.

  • Are you struggling to find time to go to the grocery store during the week? Do you need help putting together grocery lists for the dishes you enjoy eating? Let us take an errand off your plate.

  • Are you feeling too busy during the week to cook dinner, but still want a sit-down family-style meal? Chef Brandon can cook dinner for you from the comfort of your own home. Let him plan your meals and make week-night dinners exciting again. Brandon handles everything from setting the table to cleaning up the kitchen for a stress-free meal.